Some Informations about the company
The Havelland Hospitals, located in the cities of Nauen and Rathenow, offer their patients a broad range of services which are based on interdisciplinary cooperation.
The hospitals are part of a corporate group of companies, which care about health and social belongings. We are a municipal corporation, so we can medicate people with statutory or private health insurances.
Besides the two hospitals, there are doctors offices, homes for the elderly , a company for non-mdical services such as catering, facility management and IT Management and last but not least emergency medical services. Our companies are located all around the region of Havelland (as shown in the map on our start page).
There are more than 1.900 members of our well qualified staff, who care about the needs and wishes of our patients, residents in our homes and business partners.
As a patient, we want your stay at Havelland Kliniken to be as pleasant and comfortable as possible.
If you have further questions, which are not answered by this short introduction, feel free to send us an e-mail message, or you may call a patient representative at +49 (03321) 42-1000.
We offer stationary and ambulatory treatment depending on the desease, the individual constitution of the patient and one‘s social surrounding.
- Internal Medicine (largest part) with cardiology and gastroenterology
- Traumatology
- Surgery
- Gynaecology
- Paediatric Medicine
- Urology
- Psychiatry
- Pharmacy
- Functional diagnosis
- First aid
- Operating rooms, Anesthesiology and intensive care
- Radiology
- Diagnostic Laboratory
- Physiotherapy located in the hospitals but managed by MDZ
Qualitymanagement became a strategic meaning in our work. To plan, to check and to control our processes of work is time consuming, but necessary. It is a chance for us to learn to do things better or more efficently. Using key datas is helpful to evaluate the outcome and we also get a benchmark in comparison to other providers. A complete documentation is at least the best pre-condition to avoid mistakes and to give informations to other one’s, who a partners in the treatment of our patients.
Our experts place great emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation. e.g. in certified centres such as the Breast Centre, the Prostata Centre and the Continence and Pelvic floor Centre.
AOPZ (Ambulatory Operation Center)
If you get an ambulant treatment you generally get a hospitalization by a family doctor or specialist.
A prior appointment is necessary in any case. Please get in contact with us unter Phonenumber +49 03321 1297.
You‘ll get an education by the hospitals doctor and the anesthesiologist at the first date. Therefore documents like xray images, laboratory findings etc. are useful. Secondtime you come in for the day surgery and if you feel fit again you leave the hospital at the same day. As a part oft he treatment you’ll get health informations afterwards, neeeded medicine for the first day and a receipt about unfitness for work.
Note: if you have symptoms of an urgent nature, please call your doctor or go to the nearest emergency room immediately. The Havelland Kliniken web site offers general medical information only and is not intended to provide medical advice for individual people. Our e-mail service will answer questions about our programs and services. However, for any personal health problem, you should seek advice from your physician.
Contact to Nauen hospital
Nauen hospital
Ketziner Straße 21
14641 Nauen
Tel: 03321 42-1000
Fax: 03321 42-1500
E-Mail: info.nauen@havelland-kliniken.de